You Really Are What You Eat, And What You Don’t Know You Are Eating

The simple saying “You are what you eat.” has been around for a very long time and goes back to the simple principle that diet effects your body in a very profound way. Humans were designed to eat a balance of meat and vegetation, but they have come a long way from the days of hunting and gathering. Grocery stores replaced the need to grow your own food, and cities developed to greater densities, which established farming communities centered around larger scale production and increased the practice of shipping food. As the world’s population rises, how people obtain food, and what they have access to can vary quite a bit depending on where they live. Denser populations experience less fresh and more processed food, while less developed areas tend to experience a conundrum of more fresh available, but pricing may limit its consumption.
For both mass produced crops and processed foods, there has been an increasing issue with a lack of nutrients and the addition of unwanted particulates. These particulates are not visible to the human eye, but they find their way into the food supply and then inside you. There are countless sources of these particulates, which become free radicals inside the body, and many of them are from poorly executed farming practices on mass production farms. Pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, shipping containers, water contaminates, and transference from handling are all common sources of these particulates.
Why Free Radical Particulates Are Dangerous
One of the most studied and noted particulate that just about everyone has in their body, and which is near impossible to avoid in today’s world, is from plastics. These particulates have been causing quite a bit of problems for females, and in some instances males, when it comes to puberty. Inside the body, plastic particulates can be mistaken for estrogen. In higher concentrations, these particulates can induce early onset puberty in females, and affect the puberty cycle in males. As society continues to utilize food production and distribution methods that rely on plastics for packaging, the average age at which puberty starts continues to decrease. This is just one example of what people consume without realizing it.
Environmental pollution from fossil fuels, second hand smoke, industrial run-off, and even farm run-off are just a few sources of particulates that can find their way into the human body and cause harm. The modern world has made great technological and industrial advances, but little attention has been given to some of the consequences until the last 20 years. This has only been due to increasing numbers of disease and chronic disorders without clear causes. When scientists and health specialists began to investigate, evidence began to emerge regarding how modernization has had an impact, and continues to impact the health of the population.
How To Fight The Free Radicals
As depressing, upsetting, or disturbing as the thought of rogue particulates in your body may be, there is hope. Antioxidants can help eliminate these free radical particulates, or at the least, help protect your organs and tissues from harm they may cause. The body naturally produces a small amount of antioxidants to help with adapting to different levels of pollution in the environment. However, the amount of particulates that are introduced through food and water tend to outnumber the amount of antioxidants the body naturally produces. This is where adjustments to diet and the addition of supplements comes in.
There are many foods that are naturally rich in helpful antioxidants, these include: avocados, whole grains, grapefruits, cherries, blueberries, pomegranates, tomatoes, dark leafy greens, sprouts- in particular broccoli and brussel, garlic, and tomatoes to name a few common sources. A general guideline when looking for fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants is to look at the color. Dark greens, reds, yellows, purple, and blue tend to be signs of plants rich in antioxidants. For some, obtaining an ample supply of antioxidant rich foods is not a problem, but for most it can be difficult to have such a diverse and often pricey variety.
Supplements Are A Concise Source
Often times the simplest solution is the best, and this is where supplements help fulfill the need for potent antioxidants. Nutrient dense and antioxidant rich supplements that are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and antioxidants offer one of the best and easiest ways to fight the free radical particulates that have become a part of modern life. Supplements are also widely more available than many of the fruits and vegetables that would have to be consumed for the same benefits. No matter what socioeconomic class you fall into, or where you live, the right nutritional supplement can help your body overcome the challenges present in today’s world.
Supplements also work well and compliment dietary and lifestyle changes that are aimed at reducing the intake of free radical particulates and nutrient lacking foods. Home grown, or locally produced food from a trusted farm can also help limit the amount of harmful free radicals you take in. However, personalized food production is unobtainable for many, and can be more expensive than a good supplement and thoughtful dietary changes. You don’t have to have the perfect diet to avoid the harmful effects of free radical particulates, you just need a good source of antioxidants.